Thursday, October 22, 2009
Student Nurse: Fall term, week four
I'm getting in the last of my studying for
a midterm I have tomorrow, but I wanted to share one thing. Tuesday we worked a flu vaccine clinic for employees and volunteers at our hospital. I gave SIXTY ONE intramuscular injections. I even got to give one of my instructors her vaccine! Ahahaha the tables have turned!

Friday, October 16, 2009
Student Nurse: Fall term, week three
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Student Nurse: Fall term, week two, take two

Okay it's not that bad. I didn't get hurt or pooped on (yet).
But wow did I see some crazy stuff and oh man did that one patient's giant, infected, abdominal wound draining copious! amounts of purulent exudate (pus) SMELL. AWFUL. I could feel my stomach flipping around the whole time I was in her room. Thank goodness I didn't start gagging right in front of that sweet woman, she was already so embarrassed about the stench that she kept apologizing - which made me fixate on it. Oy.
Nosefulls-of-peppermint-chapstick and nursing.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Student Nurse: Fall term, week two
I'm in denial that break is over. I need to get my brain back into school mode. Last week must have been too easy. It was mostly orientation to new classes, and nothing much was actually due this week until Thursday. I used my unscholarly energy for good, though. Did some work around the house and spent some quality time with girlfriends. Tomorrow I will shadow a nurse on the unit. I will look so very nursey. I'm excited for all parts of it... except the getting up at 5am.
Love and nursing.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Back to school!
This weekend I was wishing for another month to play, and honestly not looking forward to going back to school. BUT! Now that I've had one class and my clinical orientation, I'm feeling really good about what this semester has in store for me. I've been assigned to the Trauma and Emergency General Surgery unit - which is where patients go after they clear the ICU following their surgeries. It's far off my mamas-and-babies track, but I knew when I started that I'd be taking a longer road. I'm excited about my assignment. And truthfully, I'm relieved that I wasn't assigned to an elder care facility. I hear they are the hardest to cope with as a brand new student. I don't really need anything extra on my plate right now, you know.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Crater Lake
take it easy
School starts back up again on Monday, so The Beau and I escaped to the woods of Crater Lake for a bit before things get hectic again. It was Wonderful! Beautiful, peaceful, quiet, sunny, woodsy loveliness. The Beau doesn't have much camping history, so I had fun introducing him to things like pizza mountain pies. MMmmm mountain pies.
We stayed at the Natural Bridge campground, which was right ON the Rogue River just upstream of the 200 feet section of the river that is diverted underground! into a lava tube. It was a small "primitive" campground that we LOVED.
Before we even arrived in Rogue River National Forest, we spent a few hours on I-5. I discovered an interesting change in myself. When I lived back east, my average highway speed was 80 mph. I zipped from here to there, racing the clock. On this trip I was content to drive 65. Back east, someone going 65 would have to stay in the right lane because everyone else would be flying past. But I found myself passing on the left going 65.
It's something about the laid back nature of the West.
It has rubbed off on me.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
magical migraine cure?
I've been at the mercy of Headaches of Doom for over a year now. Two months ago La Doctora started me on meds for migraine prophylaxis. Though they come less frequently now, they're not gone. So I begged La Doctora for something to deal with the headaches that aren't prevented. She prescribed sumatriptan. I've taken it three times now, including once today.
It takes nearly an hour, and being incredibly uncomfortable by the time I swallow the little white triangle, I usually try to nap until the pain subsides. Each time I sleep some, then wake up after an hour feeling, well, strange.
My head feels great. But my stomach, oy! The nausea passes after 30min or so, but for the rest of the day I have acidy indigestion and burping. But that's not the strange feeling.
I actually feel strrrrraaaaaannnnge. Floaty, spacey, giddy.... out of my element. My landlord came over to let me know new neighbors are moving in next week and I was embarrassed to be so loopy. I was afraid he would think I had been taking drugs. Well, I guess I had been. I'm afraid for the day I have a migraine when I have clinicals. I'll have to work extra hard to focus and not appear stoned, as well as hiding my horrible acidic burps. Yuck! Better than my puffy, leaky-eyed, agonizing headaches, I suppose.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Student Nurse: End of First Term
Whew! Sorry I dropped the ball on all human contact for the last month plus. After midterm exams, the heat really turned up and I am NOT talking about the weather. It suddenly became much more time and energy-consuming to keep up with my studies. When I wasn't in class or studying, I was sleeping, eating, or guiltily watching tv episodes late at night on hulu.com. I'm glad the Best Gal Pal is out of town because she would have felt quite neglected by me.
I LOVE school. I have never felt this way about school before. I've heard that adults that go "back to school" are much more motivated and better students in general. There's really something to it. I feel driven. Laugh if you must. But I only missed one -ONE!- question on my pharm final. That's right, folks. This baby-catcher-to-be got STRAIGHT A's in her first term of nursing school! Booyah!
Monday, September 7, 2009
how to get out of signing a petition
The Beau and I tabled for PP at the State Fair last week. Our main goal was to get signatures for a petition for the Heathcare for Every Community campaign - to remind congress that reproductive health care (from mammograms to birth control and more) must be included in the new health care reform bill. We had to ignore all the timid feelings and really get in peoples faces, since as soon as they spotted our clipboards, fair-attendees averted their eyes and scurried past
. I practiced my best public health confidence and got three pages of signatures! This experience showed me how truly red my state would be without my city, though. The State Fair was in the capital and people came from all over. Many of them were very upset that PP was there because apparently their goal is to kill babies. Most of the people that didn't want to sign ignored us or told us they didn't support abortion. But we did get some creative excuses as well.
My favorite: I asked a man if he was registered to vote (only registered voters count on the petition) and he replied, "sorry, I'm a convicted felon." We volunteers debated whether it was true or his excuse to get away from us.
Monday, July 27, 2009

Help! I'm mmmeelllllllting! Here's a shot of me (on the phone with my dad) just after biking a mere 4 miles home from school. See the multiple beads of sweat racing each other past my clavicles? Well folks, you don't have to take my diaphoresis' word for it:

It's so bad that the news is recommending that we "check up on relatives and neighbors!" People here in Portland (myself included, probably) don't know how to thrive in this kind of heat. We're not used to drinking so much fluid, few of us have A/C in our homes, I'm sure the movie theatres and malls are packed. If I didn't have a midterm to study for in addition to my regular reading and assignments, I'd surely be somewhere air conditioned. Maybe after my icy shower I'll find a cool cafe to do my work. Here's one last pic of sweaty me just because I can.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Student Nurse: End of Week Five

Half-way done with my first term of nursing school! You know what that means? Midterm exams. We just got our grades from Monday's Pathophysiology midterm, which had most everyone sleepless and fretting. Well, I wasn't sleepless and only fretted a little... but I swear some of my classmates had less hair than last week. Apparently I studied just enough and got plenty of sleep because I came out with a fabulous middle-A (class average 85%)! The only bad thing about it is that some of my closest new friends got C's and I feel bad talking about the exam with them. The new catchphrase going around is "C's get degrees." But I refuse to apply that to myself. Call me a grade-wh*re if you must, but don't expect me to join your study group for Wednesday's Pharmacology exam. None of this vinegar, attract me with honey.
Love and nursing.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Student Nurse: End of Week Three

I can't believe I'm 25 and this is the first time I've brushed someone's teeth besides my own. Well, scratch that. Who the heck would have wanted me to brush their teeth for them? Anyway now you all know what me providing oral care looks like! Oh so nurse-y! This "patient" got star treatment: MAC lipstick application post-flossing. The other students were way jealous.
I'm really enjoying school. I'm getting a boatload of information stuffed into my little pickup truck brain. But I'm handling it really well so far. I've even managed to make a few new friends, so I'm on a roll. The intensity is going to pick up any minute, so if you don't hear from me for a while it's hopefully because I'm studying like crazy.
This term, all of our clinicals (kind of like lab at this point) will be in the simulation lab with rubber patients or fellow students. I'm getting pretty good at taking the blood pressure of a relatively healthy 30 year old. It's going to be a real wake up call when I have to try it on kids and older adults. (Grandparents: I will definitely be asking to practice on you when I'm in town, so be prepared!!) I'm also getting a lot of practice with the phrase "say 'Ahhh'"!
until next time.... love and nursing.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Crazy week coming up
First day of school is Monday! I've got most of my books already, bought my scrubs and supplies, and mapped out my bike route to school. I'm really excited to get started
and to make friends and study buddies. I'm also nervous about whether I'll be able to manage my time and ease back into life as a full-time student. I get a membership to a really awesome gym with my enrollment in school, and this gym is along my commute path. I plan to take advantage of this and hopefully it will keep me balanced and brainy.
The first week seems like it will be light, I have two days off. Those will be highly useful for last minute packing. Because on Saturday we're moving! No more two people in my tiny studio. No more will my chair be the Beau's "closet." OoOOooo I am so excited!
Love and nursing.

The first week seems like it will be light, I have two days off. Those will be highly useful for last minute packing. Because on Saturday we're moving! No more two people in my tiny studio. No more will my chair be the Beau's "closet." OoOOooo I am so excited!
Love and nursing.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Art Hoppin
For some reason, I didn't realize how big this Alberta Art Hop thing was going to be until I saw this in the Willamette Week.
(click to see it bigger)
I mean, 17 blocks of party??? That is so awesome. Plus the forecast is 85 and sunny. My Beau called off work so he can sit with me, keep me company, and be my street-food errand boy. I'm putting my finishing touches on my display setup and I will definitely post photos of the day.
If you're in Portland, please come say hello!

I mean, 17 blocks of party??? That is so awesome. Plus the forecast is 85 and sunny. My Beau called off work so he can sit with me, keep me company, and be my street-food errand boy. I'm putting my finishing touches on my display setup and I will definitely post photos of the day.
If you're in Portland, please come say hello!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Alberta Art Hop
Saturday May 16th from 9am to 9pm at (and around) The Radio Room on NE Alberta Street.
March Forth Marching Band, DJ Antix, Sidestreet Remy will be playing throughout the day and there will be an array of local artists selling their wares... including ME!!!!
Come say hello, eat, dance, and buy my earrings! I'll probably be across the street from The Radio Room; which, incidentally, has amazing cheeseburgers.
March Forth Marching Band, DJ Antix, Sidestreet Remy will be playing throughout the day and there will be an array of local artists selling their wares... including ME!!!!
Come say hello, eat, dance, and buy my earrings! I'll probably be across the street from The Radio Room; which, incidentally, has amazing cheeseburgers.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
a little crazy. a lot wonderful.
I'm trying to squeeze in as much playtime and relaxation as I can before school starts. I know I'll be working my toochus off come the end of June. In addition to playing a lot of ultimate, hanging with all my pals, and a little bit of traveling, I also am almost certainly moving. I'll be sad to lose the LandPeople as my neighbors, landlords, and surrogate parents. But I am thrilled that the Beau and I have decided to take the leap to co-habitation. We are excitedly apartment hunting and looked at a few great ones today.
Yes yes yes I know this seems very fast and thank you for all of your concerns. We've had long discussions about it and have arrived at this with our eyes wide open. Sometimes you just know something is right and true regardless of what the calendar says.
Yes yes yes I know this seems very fast and thank you for all of your concerns. We've had long discussions about it and have arrived at this with our eyes wide open. Sometimes you just know something is right and true regardless of what the calendar says.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Stepping out of the Waiting Room...
...and into the classroom!!!!!!
Most of you have gotten the news already, and I apologize for not writing this post sooner. One month after getting stuck on the wait-list, Admissions came to their senses and called me up. The conversation went something like this:
"Hello this is the Office of Admissions, is this Stephanie?"
It's nothing, I'm just getting accepted to the nursing portion alone... "Yes, that's me."
"I see you have been placed on the alternate status for the nursing/miwifery program here."
Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God... "That's right."
"Well it looks like a spot has opened up and we'd like to offer you admission to the program. Are you interested?"
"Yes, I am definitely interested," as calmly as I can while I jump up and down trying not to whoop with joy.
"Great, we'll send you an enrollment packet tomorrow with further instructions. Congratulations!"
"Thank you." Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With a racing heart, I then called my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my sister... and when I couldn't speak any more, I sent a text message to everyone else.
My Beau took me for celebratory cheeseburgers (score!) which were extra delicious with a side of sweet victory.
In other news, I've had a mini identity shift: I am now a mac. Look what cool things I can do with my mac!
Most of you have gotten the news already, and I apologize for not writing this post sooner. One month after getting stuck on the wait-list, Admissions came to their senses and called me up. The conversation went something like this:
"Hello this is the Office of Admissions, is this Stephanie?"
It's nothing, I'm just getting accepted to the nursing portion alone... "Yes, that's me."
"I see you have been placed on the alternate status for the nursing/miwifery program here."
Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God... "That's right."
"Well it looks like a spot has opened up and we'd like to offer you admission to the program. Are you interested?"
"Yes, I am definitely interested," as calmly as I can while I jump up and down trying not to whoop with joy.
"Great, we'll send you an enrollment packet tomorrow with further instructions. Congratulations!"
"Thank you." Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With a racing heart, I then called my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my sister... and when I couldn't speak any more, I sent a text message to everyone else.
My Beau took me for celebratory cheeseburgers (score!) which were extra delicious with a side of sweet victory.

In other news, I've had a mini identity shift: I am now a mac. Look what cool things I can do with my mac!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Waiting Room Confessions #3
The word I've been using to describe this lately is "unbe-freakin-lievable!"
Some of you have heard already that I have indeed received The Letter from my most sought-after program and to my utter shock and disbelief I have been placed on the wait-list AGAIN!!!!
I just don't understand how it happened. I felt so confident. I'm a fantastic candidate for this program... and it's not just me and my mom that believe that. I'm trying to remind myself that this is not a rejection, and there is still a chance that I can be accepted. I also have a back up plan where I have applied to a few accelerated nursing programs in the area - so I'm sure I'll be in some sort of school this year. But still, I'm pretty devastated. The wait-list did end up being a rejection last year.
I haven't told anyone but my parents and my Beau until now. I needed a few days to cool off before I could take anyone offering their sympathies. I was so incredibly angry for the first day. I was treated to cheeseburgers, which admittedly helped some. Mmm cheeseburgers.
So we're back to waiting. Waiting to hear from the nursing programs, and waiting for someone "more qualified" (feh!) to decline their acceptance so that I can take my rightful place in the program of my dreams. I WILL catch babies!
Some of you have heard already that I have indeed received The Letter from my most sought-after program and to my utter shock and disbelief I have been placed on the wait-list AGAIN!!!!
I just don't understand how it happened. I felt so confident. I'm a fantastic candidate for this program... and it's not just me and my mom that believe that. I'm trying to remind myself that this is not a rejection, and there is still a chance that I can be accepted. I also have a back up plan where I have applied to a few accelerated nursing programs in the area - so I'm sure I'll be in some sort of school this year. But still, I'm pretty devastated. The wait-list did end up being a rejection last year.
I haven't told anyone but my parents and my Beau until now. I needed a few days to cool off before I could take anyone offering their sympathies. I was so incredibly angry for the first day. I was treated to cheeseburgers, which admittedly helped some. Mmm cheeseburgers.
So we're back to waiting. Waiting to hear from the nursing programs, and waiting for someone "more qualified" (feh!) to decline their acceptance so that I can take my rightful place in the program of my dreams. I WILL catch babies!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Waiting Room Confessions #2
This is a play in four acts.
Act 1, The Interview.
Program Director and I had good rapport from our previous meetings, and I felt much more at ease than at my interview last year. There were lots of smiles and nods. She even said, "Great," after some of my answers to her questions. I had the standard questions about my strengths/weaknesses, ability to multi-task, response to stress, how do I like to learn yayaya. The more interesting questions were those that addressed how I would respond to certain situations that would arise in my practice as a midwife. I brought a list of good questions to ask her at the end and we ended up chatting a bit past the 45min scheduled time. All in all, I think I did great!
Act 2, The Tour.
Current Student #1 gave a campus tour to me and another interviewee. I had good questions for her, too. She was very friendly and eager to sell the program. She seemed happy in it herself. At the end of the tour, she mentioned that we should look for her friend, Current Student #2, at the applicant potluck that evening.
Act 3, The Party.
Three faculty members and a handful of current students hosted a potluck for the applicants at the home of one of the faculty. They had a basket of slippers for everyone to wear; very cute, very midwife-y. The food was delicious and the conversation better. I floated around a bit, talking to the midwives and students (and the other applicants a little). I found Current Student #2 and started to introduce myself. She said, "Oh! You're Stephanie!" Apparently Current Student #1 had called her and told her to look for me at the party (note also that she couldn't remember the name of the other girl that had toured with us!) She was fun and honest, and I think I have a good picture of what it will be like to study there.
Act 4, The Coincidence
Four days later, I attended a birth through my doula job. The wonderful young mama had an amazing, beautiful, normal childbirth. Her provider happened to be a second year student midwife, Current Student #3! When the mama was in the bathroom (read an appropriate time), I mentioned to CS#3 that I was applying and had interviewed recently. She asked if I went to the potluck and then I discovered that she is the third amigo: Current Students #1, 2, and 3 are best friends! She was happy to hear that I had met both of them, and CS#3 said that she would be pulling for me. She offered her email address and asked me to let her know when I find out if I am accepted. [I telepathically sent a message asking her to report to the faculty what a wonderful doula she had worked with for 10hours and what a great midwife that doula would be.]
p.s. At the interview, Program Director told me to expect to hear in "a few weeks." That could mean one more week, or eight. So I know y'all mean only the best every time you ask if I've heard anything--- but believe me when I tell you that I'll activate the phone tree as soon as the letter arrives.
Act 1, The Interview.
Program Director and I had good rapport from our previous meetings, and I felt much more at ease than at my interview last year. There were lots of smiles and nods. She even said, "Great," after some of my answers to her questions. I had the standard questions about my strengths/weaknesses, ability to multi-task, response to stress, how do I like to learn yayaya. The more interesting questions were those that addressed how I would respond to certain situations that would arise in my practice as a midwife. I brought a list of good questions to ask her at the end and we ended up chatting a bit past the 45min scheduled time. All in all, I think I did great!
Act 2, The Tour.
Current Student #1 gave a campus tour to me and another interviewee. I had good questions for her, too. She was very friendly and eager to sell the program. She seemed happy in it herself. At the end of the tour, she mentioned that we should look for her friend, Current Student #2, at the applicant potluck that evening.
Act 3, The Party.
Three faculty members and a handful of current students hosted a potluck for the applicants at the home of one of the faculty. They had a basket of slippers for everyone to wear; very cute, very midwife-y. The food was delicious and the conversation better. I floated around a bit, talking to the midwives and students (and the other applicants a little). I found Current Student #2 and started to introduce myself. She said, "Oh! You're Stephanie!" Apparently Current Student #1 had called her and told her to look for me at the party (note also that she couldn't remember the name of the other girl that had toured with us!) She was fun and honest, and I think I have a good picture of what it will be like to study there.
Act 4, The Coincidence
Four days later, I attended a birth through my doula job. The wonderful young mama had an amazing, beautiful, normal childbirth. Her provider happened to be a second year student midwife, Current Student #3! When the mama was in the bathroom (read an appropriate time), I mentioned to CS#3 that I was applying and had interviewed recently. She asked if I went to the potluck and then I discovered that she is the third amigo: Current Students #1, 2, and 3 are best friends! She was happy to hear that I had met both of them, and CS#3 said that she would be pulling for me. She offered her email address and asked me to let her know when I find out if I am accepted. [I telepathically sent a message asking her to report to the faculty what a wonderful doula she had worked with for 10hours and what a great midwife that doula would be.]
p.s. At the interview, Program Director told me to expect to hear in "a few weeks." That could mean one more week, or eight. So I know y'all mean only the best every time you ask if I've heard anything--- but believe me when I tell you that I'll activate the phone tree as soon as the letter arrives.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Waiting Room Confessions
Now that all of my school applications are submitted, I don't have much more to do but wait. I'm glad not to have the apps staring at me anymore, daring me to revise my essays one last time. For the nursing programs alone, it's all out of my hands. For the combination BSN-CNM program....
I got an interview! I got an interview! What what? An interview!
This is good news, it means I've passed the first round of the application process. Hopefully I will prove my worth and make the final cut. I'm still quite nervous, though. I had an interview last year that I felt went pretty well... but I never made it off the wait list. This year will be a little different. First of all, I only have one interviewer (last year I had 2). The gods shined down on me and assigned me the program director - who not only interviewed me last year, but also we had a meeting in August that I arranged to go over last year's app. She was pleased and impressed by my initiative.
Secondly, in addition to the interview there will be a "welcome dinner" hosted by faculty and attended by current students. I'm really excited about this new addition. No matter how hard I try, I get nervous during interviews. I know this is pretty normal, but I often wonder whether I'm able to demonstrate my true self through the stuffy, nerve-wracking interview session. This dinner will give me another chance to make the faculty love me and beg me to be their student. :)
This all goes down on Feb 5th. After that, it's all about patience...
And sitting on the stoop waiting for the mailman every day for four months trying not to pull out all my hair and grind my teeth down to little smooth nubbins and gain 50 pounds from stress eating and, well, you get the picture (ew, sorry about that picture.)
I got an interview! I got an interview! What what? An interview!
This is good news, it means I've passed the first round of the application process. Hopefully I will prove my worth and make the final cut. I'm still quite nervous, though. I had an interview last year that I felt went pretty well... but I never made it off the wait list. This year will be a little different. First of all, I only have one interviewer (last year I had 2). The gods shined down on me and assigned me the program director - who not only interviewed me last year, but also we had a meeting in August that I arranged to go over last year's app. She was pleased and impressed by my initiative.
Secondly, in addition to the interview there will be a "welcome dinner" hosted by faculty and attended by current students. I'm really excited about this new addition. No matter how hard I try, I get nervous during interviews. I know this is pretty normal, but I often wonder whether I'm able to demonstrate my true self through the stuffy, nerve-wracking interview session. This dinner will give me another chance to make the faculty love me and beg me to be their student. :)
This all goes down on Feb 5th. After that, it's all about patience...
And sitting on the stoop waiting for the mailman every day for four months trying not to pull out all my hair and grind my teeth down to little smooth nubbins and gain 50 pounds from stress eating and, well, you get the picture (ew, sorry about that picture.)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
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