Sunday, April 26, 2009

a little crazy. a lot wonderful.

I'm trying to squeeze in as much playtime and relaxation as I can before school starts. I know I'll be working my toochus off come the end of June. In addition to playing a lot of ultimate, hanging with all my pals, and a little bit of traveling, I also am almost certainly moving. I'll be sad to lose the LandPeople as my neighbors, landlords, and surrogate parents. But I am thrilled that the Beau and I have decided to take the leap to co-habitation. We are excitedly apartment hunting and looked at a few great ones today.
Yes yes yes I know this seems very fast and thank you for all of your concerns. We've had long discussions about it and have arrived at this with our eyes wide open. Sometimes you just know something is right and true regardless of what the calendar says.

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