Thursday, October 22, 2009

Student Nurse: Fall term, week four

I'm getting in the last of my studying for a midterm I have tomorrow, but I wanted to share one thing. Tuesday we worked a flu vaccine clinic for employees and volunteers at our hospital. I gave SIXTY ONE intramuscular injections. I even got to give one of my instructors her vaccine! Ahahaha the tables have turned!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Student Nurse: Fall term, week three

This week we had our first patients. And I learned patience.
Then we had skills lab. And I learned how to insert a urinary catheter into a latex dummy. And while learning how to dress wounds, I met Seymour Butts.
Not Kidding.

Love and nursing.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Student Nurse: Fall term, week two, take two

Holy crap, who knew they'd be talking about ME when they named my unit trauma?

Okay it's not that bad. I didn't get hurt or pooped on (yet).

But wow did I see some crazy stuff and oh man did that one patient's giant, infected, abdominal wound draining copious! amounts of purulent exudate (pus) SMELL. AWFUL. I could feel my stomach flipping around the whole time I was in her room. Thank goodness I didn't start gagging right in front of that sweet woman, she was already so embarrassed about the stench that she kept apologizing - which made me fixate on it. Oy.

Nosefulls-of-peppermint-chapstick and nursing.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Student Nurse: Fall term, week two

I'm in denial that break is over. I need to get my brain back into school mode. Last week must have been too easy. It was mostly orientation to new classes, and nothing much was actually due this week until Thursday. I used my unscholarly energy for good, though. Did some work around the house and spent some quality time with girlfriends. Tomorrow I will shadow a nurse on the unit. I will look so very nursey. I'm excited for all parts of it... except the getting up at 5am.

Love and nursing.