I can't believe I'm 25 and this is the first time I've brushed someone's teeth besides my own. Well, scratch that. Who the heck would have wanted me to brush their teeth for them? Anyway now you all know what me providing oral care looks like! Oh so nurse-y! This "patient" got star treatment: MAC lipstick application post-flossing. The other students were way jealous.
I'm really enjoying school. I'm getting a boatload of information stuffed into my little pickup truck brain. But I'm handling it really well so far. I've even managed to make a few new friends, so I'm on a roll. The intensity is going to pick up any minute, so if you don't hear from me for a while it's hopefully because I'm studying like crazy.
This term, all of our clinicals (kind of like lab at this point) will be in the simulation lab with rubber patients or fellow students. I'm getting pretty good at taking the blood pressure of a relatively healthy 30 year old. It's going to be a real wake up call when I have to try it on kids and older adults. (Grandparents: I will definitely be asking to practice on you when I'm in town, so be prepared!!) I'm also getting a lot of practice with the phrase "say 'Ahhh'"!
until next time.... love and nursing.
Adorable! Did you know that MAC cosmetics was originally created for drag queens?
And why is it that we always look up when brushing, even if someone else is doing it??
How do we know that you're busy studying and haven't been trapped under a large pile of books?? I need to get you a whistle to carry around just in case.
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