Half-way done with my first term of nursing school! You know what that means? Midterm exams. We just got our grades from Monday's Pathophysiology midterm, which had most everyone sleepless and fretting. Well, I wasn't sleepless and only fretted a little... but I swear some of my classmates had less hair than last week. Apparently I studied just enough and got plenty of sleep because I came out with a fabulous middle-A (class average 85%)! The only bad thing about it is that some of my closest new friends got C's and I feel bad talking about the exam with them. The new catchphrase going around is "C's get degrees." But I refuse to apply that to myself. Call me a grade-wh*re if you must, but don't expect me to join your study group for Wednesday's Pharmacology exam. None of this vinegar, attract me with honey.
Love and nursing.
Tell your new friends..."Let's all be grade HOs...Yo!"
Congratulations, Steph!
Also, I can tell that you took this picture with your Mac by my secret spy skills.
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