Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Student Nurse: End of First Term

Whew! Sorry I dropped the ball on all human contact for the last month plus. After midterm exams, the heat really turned up and I am NOT talking about the weather. It suddenly became much more time and energy-consuming to keep up with my studies. When I wasn't in class or studying, I was sleeping, eating, or guiltily watching tv episodes late at night on hulu.com. I'm glad the Best Gal Pal is out of town because she would have felt quite neglected by me.

I LOVE school. I have never felt this way about school before. I've heard that adults that go "back to school" are much more motivated and better students in general. There's really something to it. I feel driven. Laugh if you must. But I only missed one -ONE!- question on my pharm final. That's right, folks. This baby-catcher-to-be got STRAIGHT A's in her first term of nursing school! Booyah!


Unknown said...

hey...can I be your blogfriend too?

stephanie said...

Ah, those are other blogs. If you write one, we can be blogfriends. Otherwise we'll stay regular friends.