Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I made it! I'm sitting near the one window in my apartment that anyone can get an internet signal through. The whole city has free wireless, but for some reason it doesnt penetrate buildings very well. So I dont have to really hang out the window, but we did have to push a desk right up against it. No problem, free internet!
I've unloaded most of what I need from my car, and I've arranged to rent a storage locker in an apartment building across town. I'm trying to decide if I should bother with it, though, because last night I met a woman with a lot of connections, one being free storage space. She's a nurse at Good Samaritan Hospital and wants to help me get a job there because they will pay 75% of your tuition for medical-based degrees. Which would be awesome! She was very friendly and wants to offer me all sorts of help getting situated. I'm waiting for her to call me around noon, we're going to have lunch and she will show me around.
The apartment is big and my room already has a queen-sized bed in it, so no more air mattress for me. hooray! my roommate is very nice. he works at planned parenthood. i think he's a nurse. right now i'm starving because i havent gone grocery shopping yet and i dont want to eat his food. so i'm off to get food and laundry supplies because i got bike grease all over my new shorts last night while unloading my bike from the roof of my car.
hasta luego

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