Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fall is Here

I don't really have much news since the last post. My job search has still yielded nil, and all the Portlanders I've talked to groan about how bad the job market is here. So I'm trying not to take it too personally. Most of my days are spent at the computer searching jobs and apartments, since I have to be out of this one in a month. That kind of stinks because, aside from the cat, this apartment is working out quite nicely.
Oh the cat.
Generally I like cats. But this one is the devil. He attacks my feet and legs with his claws and teeth for no reason. He cries all the time for no reason. It's so annoying and I'm always afraid of being bitten while walking across the room. He darts in front of you so you trip over him with your momentum. It sucks. He's a bully. I have to carry a squirt bottle around the apartment to keep him in line. At least he doesn't pee in my bed like my sister's cat used to do.
The weather has turned chilly and the rainy season has begun. It will last until summer probably. My roomie says it's "wool socks time." But he's a California boy and after years in Portland, still isn't quite adapted to cold winters. He said he never wore a hat and gloves until he came here. But I have started wearing long pants and socks around the apartment. Partly because it's chilly and partly as protection against the cat.

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