Saturday, June 19, 2010

score one veggie plate

I have short hair again! Phew. Long hair was getting to be too much work, and I'm too busy toadd 3o mins of blow-drying all that hair. I love it. And The Beau loves it, too.

The Beau and I are working on spending less, even saving some. We have set a grocery b
udget and are making more meals from scratch. Last night we had cheeseburger pizza (with special sauce and pickles, to boot!). I started with yeast, flour, salt... you know... like the little birdies say: cheap cheap!

This next photo is another example of our money-saving adventures. Frugalista tip #16: always bring tupperware to a potluck or other event that serves food.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Next try pasta sauce from scratch (ok, not completely can start with canned tomatoes in the off-season.