Monday, March 29, 2010

Student Nurse: what the heck happened?

Oh my! How did I get so far behind on the blog?
This accelerated program is intense! The moments I take away from working/studying I nap or veg out to tv or movies. It's like horse-lips for my brain. Horse-lips are hard to explain, like blowing really big raspberries. Ideally, I'd like to post here more regularly. We'll see how it goes.
Today begins Spring Term, Week One. I'm just going to skip the rest of Fall and Winter terms that I didn't keep up on. Too much to think about today. Maybe I'll reflect on them later. This term I am learning Acute Care and Leadership & Outcomes Management. My clinical placement for the next 5 weeks is in a cardiac unit. I hope I can remember everything I've learned about cardiac (and whole body!) pathophysiology and pharmacology and apply it to my practice. I'm confident about my ability to communicate and interact with patients. I'm confident handling tasks within my skill set, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow and Wednesday when I'll learn some new nursing skills.
Until next time....
love and nursing.

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