By now Julia is all healed up and back to normal. I've decided I pretty much hate my air mattress bed but am too cheap to get a real bed for only two months. I'm gonna stick it out, neck-aches and all. I've gone rock climbing a few times and I love it. I somehow managed to get a free pair of brand new climbing shoes (which are usually about $50) and a chalk bag for $2 so I figure I can splurge on a good harness (safety!). So far I've been sharing Julia's harness but I want my own. The first photo is me celebrating the awesome knots I just tied. Oh the glorious knots! Ha ha. The second is me getting started on my first outdoor climb. Yessssss.
Two days ago my friend took me kayaking for the first time! I didnt have a lesson on how to roll back up if I got flipped, he just explained how to escape from the boat if I found myself upside down. We went on a relatively meandering part of the Gunnison River and I had a blast. I dont think, however, that I will be buying kayak gear anytime soon. Outdoor sports are pricey.
This past week was Fat Tire Bike Week, celebrating mountain bikes (which have fatter tires than road bikes). There were a bunch of representatives with bikes that people could demo out on the trails for free, unfortunately I didnt get a spare day to do it. I was hoping to do it tomorrow but I think they're packing up. There were also a few tents from the New Belgium Brewing Co. because they make a beer called Fat Tire. There have been a few races and dirt jumping competitions. But last night's race was the coolest. It was the "chainless race." People on all sorts of crazy looking bikes (as well as normal bikes) removed the chains, so you can't pedal, and raced from Kebler Pass into town. They had haybales at the bottom because it ended in a big curve and a number of people wrecked, but mostly everyone was okay. People had wild costumes on and some were enjoying a brew as they coasted down the gravel path. I had to work at the restaurant, but it was slow enough that I could dash outside and watch some riders careen around the bend. Tonight the restaurant is closed for a wedding reception, our boss told us to dress nice, but out uniform is jeans and a t-shirt. So I'm not sure if I'm supposed to nice that up, or wear something completely different. Hmm.
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