My beautiful new bike (and my old vintage bike) were both stolen from my back porch late Thursday night. I've never been robbed before, and let me tell you... it SUCKS. I sure am glad I registered it, and I filed a police report. But realistically I probably will never see it again. I'm really feeling sore about it. It was the most expensive thing I ever bought, and I had added all sorts of accessories. In the month that I owned it (so short!), I had already ridden hundreds of miles. It is a great freedom getting away from using my car. But thank goodness I have a car now that my bikes are no more.
My landlords and I think we know who took them, because a transient-type guy has been snooping around during the last week. Then, on Saturday night my landlord's lawnmower and our neighbor's mower were stolen. And sometime during the day Sunday, he came back for the carpenter's power sanders. My landlord has taken to carrying a wooden bat around, he even taped up one end so he doesn't get splinters while beating the crap out of our prowler. I suggested setting bear traps.
I also am getting a security home alarm system hooked up in my apartment in case this thief (or anyone else) decides to escalate to breaking in. I only have one door, so I'd feel more safe if some crazy alarms went off to bring Jeff and Susan running down while the cops are on the way. Hopefully that will never happen, of course.

Otherwise life is good. I'm taking advantage of my unemployment to hike, camp, and play while it's nice out. I'm really bonding nicely with my new ultimate team, and spending lots of time with my college buddy Ian who also lives out here. Dad came and had a really fun visit. We hiked and camped out in the Columbia River Gorge along Eagle Creek.

We saw some great waterfalls and had fun roughing it a little. Two weeks ago I climbed to the top of Mount St. Helens. Wow! Was that ever the most amazing feat of my life! It was brutal and wonderful. Click on the panorama photos I pasted together to get a better look. Two days after that, I rode my bike (sigh) to pick blueberries! and enjoy the beach on Sauvie Island in the Columbia River. Overall that ride was about 40 miles! Sunday I did a day hike around Mirror Lake, and up to the summit of Tom, Dick, and Harry Mountain. Great name for a mountain, no? We would have had wonderful views of Mt. Hood, but it was overcast to the point of fogginess. Still beautiful, though.